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Sunday, January 22, 2012

Hot Oil Treatment

As you all probably know, I suffer from extremely dry scalp, so a hot oil treatment is right up my alley!

(3 tbsps of the following oils)
Safflower Oil
Extra Virgin Olive Oil
Castor Oil
Jojoba Oil
Vitamin E Oil

1. Combine oils in a small glass bowl.
2. Heat oils in microwave until warm enough to where you can stand the heat on your head.
3. Apply oils, in sections, to dirty hair. This is a pre-poo treatment!
4. Cover your hair with a plastic cap and wrap with a warm towel.
5. Apply oils to penetrate your hair for 30 mins to and hour.
6. Rinse and shampoo and regular.
7. Enjoy your moisturized hair!

NOTE: I usually apply this treatment every 2-3 weeks. If you notice your hair starting to get oily, ease up on the treatments. Just use the oils as needed.

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